Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week 3

I'm well behind on keeping this blog updated...ahven't put my answers in to half the posts so will probably do it retrospectively when doing the TMA as usual!!
Elluminate discussion

As soon as possible after the session with your tutorial group has finished, reflect on and make notes about each of the issues outlined below:

  • What were your experiences and feelings during the session? If you have impaired vision or hearing, how did this affect your participation? Hearing and vision fine. I'm not really sure if I like Elluminate. I haven't needed to use it up till now and have done just fine on all the other courses. I think its a tool that will suit some learners but not all. For me I found it a bit laborious and frustrating. There's a lot to keep an eye, whiteboard etc. At times I did find myself staring out the window. I'm also not given the same time as a forum discussion to sort out my replies and that makes me feel a bit vulnerable. I'm also concious of being 'made' to work with people at a level that perhaps I'm also not comfortable with....can't hide behind my written words so perhaps it hits my confidence.
  • What did you learn about the Bayne chapter itself? Were some parts of the session more useful than others in this respect? Didn't really come away with anyhting other than we were just about all in agreement with each other. Not sure I needed the session as not much was gained. Also feel a bit miffed that I spent 2 hours on the session without gaining a great deal!
  • Can you come to any (perhaps tentative) views about the pros and cons of Elluminate for the task you were set, in the context of a Masters course of this kind? Nothing more than I already have. At this point in time I feel pretty negative about it...maybe just tired. Perhaps later in the course I may feel more positive. Felt like this about the eportfolio and a year later I still feel the same!! Do you feel, for example, that this synchronous event carries more status when compared with online forums? (You’ll remember from
Week 3a that Goodyear (2006) argues that this is the case.) Right now absolutely not!
  • How far, if at all, would Elluminate or a similar tool be useful in your own context? not useful at all. Most of my students don't log in, have are offline and those who are online cannot find an hour free to commit to this type of session as they work full time, study and have families.

  • How would you design the activities? N/A

  • If you are already using a tool of this kind, how do the activities you run compare with the session you have just completed? N/A

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