Well the first TMA is done and dusted and has passed...phew! Knowing that this is the last course seems to be knocking my confidence a bit...bizarre! Not that I ever been overly confident...I remember talking to another AL a while back and we both felt that someone would rumble us at some point and reveal us as to be unworthy of the title...well I'm feeling a bit like that at the moment.
As I was behind I decided to work through the activities but just couldn't grasp what the aim was. I couldn't get past the fact that to me this was simply about creating lesson plans. Decided to post to the tutor site for help and a fellow student came to my rescue.... you're a star Philip!!. He gave me a great paper by Conol to read that managed to cover just about all the activities but most importantly i understood it!!!
I now get the different purposes for social networks......You tube=sharing videos, Facebook=finding similarities in profiles, Cloudworks and Phoebe= sharing educational design. It's way more than just creating lesson plans and sharing them. The sites can become a repository for those in education to share or to find ideas/plans/designs/tools/resources that do not necessarily have to be confined to a particular institution but could be shared globally.
Feb 25 round up
(With Maren Deepwell and Tom Farrelly at the Education After the Algorithm
seminar at DCU) As I mentioned in a couple of posts, I gave a keynote in
Dublin ...
1 week ago
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