Activity 5
Listen to the 23-minute interview with Gregor Kennedy, the project leader, noting down key points for your own context.
I agree with Kennedy that it cannot be assumed that students know how to use technologies and that it is more important to know your students. I have students from different cultural and language backgrounds which may affect which technologies are used. I also wonder if disability was accounted for and how within this research.
Clearly we cannot assume that being a member of the ‘Net Generation’ is synonymous with knowing how to employ technology-based tools strategically to optimise learning experiences in university settings.
(Kennedy et al., 2008, pp.117–18)
1. What are the authors’ reasons for saying this?
Students are likely to use one or two of the same technologies but not all of them
These skills may be basic and unsophisticated so do not lend themselves to other technologies so easily
All students are different
Need to know your not assume what they are capable of.
2. How strong do you consider their evidence to be?
Fairly strong
Activity 6
Answer the following questions:
1. Which part(s) of the argument are most relevant to you as a reader and a student?
2. Which part(s) of the argument are most relevant to you as a teacher, trainer or other practitioner or potential practitioner?
3. What for you are the strengths and weaknesses of each form of presentation – reading from the report in Activity 4, and listening to a webcast lecture now? We will return to this issue in Week 5.
Feb 25 round up
(With Maren Deepwell and Tom Farrelly at the Education After the Algorithm
seminar at DCU) As I mentioned in a couple of posts, I gave a keynote in
Dublin ...
1 week ago
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